Re: Countifs formula Error
In your actual data, how many results are you expecting? You look to have added an extra status (Range 2, looking for "Production"), but this shouldn't stop thing working unless the criteri…1 · -
Re: What view are you? Share your story and claim your badge
Largely grid view for myself, due to need for formulas in various columns.3 · -
Re: Formula to split month and year into two columns
Hi @Caroline Elliott, Your find is finding the space which doesn't work when you're working backwards. Try this instead: =RIGHT(Month@row, LEN(Month@row) - FIND(" ", Month@row)) This subtra…1 · -
Re: Formula to find the first occurrence and return the date
Hi @Connie Cochran, If you want the first to appear date, then you can just jump to using INDEX COLLECT: =INDEX(COLLECT([Event Date]:[Event Date], [Client Name]:[Client Name], [Client Name]@row), 1) …1 · -
Re: COUNTIF Date Range with criteria
Hi @Joey135, This should do what you're after: =COUNTIFS({Audit Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 6, 3), @cell <= (DATE(2024, 6, 7))), {Auditor}, "Brian Lucas") @brianschmidt, Your formu…1 ·